It's what we had for dinner, along with a salad. Sure, I keep a box of Kraft mac and cheese in the cabinet, I do have small children. (My 3 year old calls herself the "executive chef" when I let her stir in the dayglo orange powder.) But yesterday, I stopped in the library and came across the book Cooking for Comfort : More Than 100 Wonderful Recipes That Are as Satisfying to Cook as They Are to Eat

Cover shot mac and cheese equals instant desire. I drooled over the photo and recipe last night as I made an ill-fated attempt to grill chicken, like, with charcoal and jerk sauce and everything.
Here is the breakdown.
1/2 yellow onion from a 3 lb. bag - 14 cents
2 tbsp unsalted butter - 16 cents
2 tbsp unbleached all purpose flour - 1 cent (seriously, I figured this out)
2 cups low fat milk - 36 cents
1 tbsp dijon mustard - 10 cents
12 ounces extra sharp cheddar cheese (on sale)- $3.28
salt and white pepper to taste
8 oz pasta elbows - 74 cents
2 tbsp parmesan cheese - 30 centsish
nutmeg and hot sauce to taste - guessing 3 cents
That's a grand total of $5.12 for delicious homemade baked mac and cheese that will last 2 meals. Here is the whole recipe
Today's ledger:
Groceries - 43.02
Booze - 11.51
Total - $54.53
Here is the breakdown.
1/2 yellow onion from a 3 lb. bag - 14 cents
2 tbsp unsalted butter - 16 cents
2 tbsp unbleached all purpose flour - 1 cent (seriously, I figured this out)
2 cups low fat milk - 36 cents
1 tbsp dijon mustard - 10 cents
12 ounces extra sharp cheddar cheese (on sale)- $3.28
salt and white pepper to taste
8 oz pasta elbows - 74 cents
2 tbsp parmesan cheese - 30 centsish
nutmeg and hot sauce to taste - guessing 3 cents
That's a grand total of $5.12 for delicious homemade baked mac and cheese that will last 2 meals. Here is the whole recipe
Today's ledger:
Groceries - 43.02
Booze - 11.51
Total - $54.53
That sounds really tasty. Good thing your gluton houseguest, Aly, isn't around to eat you out of house, and home. Me like mac, and cheese! And this is without the Dayglo orange powder. Very impressive, and I might have to try making this. I bet it tasted better than the box, too. :)